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Some daycare centers have your child's best interest at heart...Quita's Daycare center is not one of them! 

Quita never pretended to run a professional center. So when her license gets revoked, after a spiteful parent complains to the Office of Child Care services, because her bad son Lil Goose was kicked out of the center, Quita feels relieved. Now she can offer cheap prices and beat the legal competition in her neighborhood.

Out from up under the rules that O.C.C enforces, she crams twenty kids in a center built for eight. Her motto is, Pay the vig or watch your own kid. Although the center's conditions are unsavory, she brags about fat pockets and fly gear. But what happens when Cordon, the son of Flex, a well-known drug dealer, goes missing? She has to answer to him and her life, as well as the lives of her staff members, is threatened.

Quita's DayScare Center introduces you to the worst parents in the world and their offspring. You've never read a book like this before we guarantee it! You'll think twice before you drop your kids off at daycare again.

At least we hope so!

Quita's DayScare Center by Gina West

  • ISBN: 978-0984303014

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